Your Free

Project Health Check

How our free project health check works

Answer a few questions about your project, we’ll analyse the output and send your free project health check report within 24 hours.


Answer our questions

Answer a few questions about the current status of your project


report produced

Using your responses we’ll produce your project health check report


Report emailed

We’ll email your PDF report within 24 hours of receiving your responses

Report Description

Project Health Check Report

The project health check report is a 15 page PDF summary of your current project health based on the responses to our short questionnaire. Our experts will review the responses and create a tailored report within 24 hours.

The project health check report covers the below areas;

  • Project overview

  • Project performance priorities

  • Project scope

  • Project deliverables

  • Project schedule

  • Earned value management

  • Project financial performance

  • Project team performance

  • Project governance

  • RAID status

The project health check reports helps you identify areas of project performance which may require additional management focus or remediation.

Why Businesses use or project recovery service

Peace of mind project performance will be recovered whilst maintaining close control of recovery costs



Weekly contracts with a check point to determine whether continued recovery action is required ensures you only pay for the recovery action you need


We have access to a wide network of SMEs ensuring the right expertise can be quickly deployed to support recovery


Our project recovery experts have many years experience, ensuring we quickly identify the root cause of issues and recommend the right corrective actions


We’re specialists at running recovery in parallel with projects, ensuring momentum is maintained and assessment impact is minimised